Cookies Policy

Cookies policy

On this website we collect and use the information as indicated in our privacy policy. One of the ways in which he collected information is through the use of technology called "cookies". uses cookies for various purposes.

A "cookie" is a small amount of text that is stored in your browser (such as Google Chrome or Apple Safari) when you browse most websites.

It's not a virus, or a Trojan, or a worm, or spam, or spyware, or pop-up windows.

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit cards or bank details, photos or personal information, and so on. The data they store is of a technical nature, statistics, personal preferences, personalization of content, etc.

The web server does not associate you as a person but with your web browser. In fact, if you regularly browse with the Chrome browser and try to browse the same web with the Firefox browser, you'll see that the web doesn't realize that you're the same person because you're actually associating the information with the browser, not to the person.

What kind of cookies are there?

  • Technical cookies: They are the most basic and allow, among other things, to know when a human or an automated application is browsing, when an anonymous user and a registered user are browsing, basic tasks for the operation of any dynamic website.
  • Analytics cookies: They collect information about the type of browsing you are doing, the sections you use the most, products consulted, time slot, language, etc.
  • Social media cookies: They collect information about the content that is shared on the site.
  • Advertising cookies: They show advertising based on their browsing, country of origin, language, etc.

What are our own and third-party cookies?

Own cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and those of third parties are those generated by external services or providers such as Mailchimp, Mailrelay, Facebook, Twitter, Google adsense, etc.

What cookies does this website use?

this website only uses its own cookies and are detailed below:

Own cookies

  • Preferences: Cookies allow me to remember your settings and preferences, such as preferred language and privacy settings.
  • security: I use cookies to avoid security risks. Mainly to detect when someone is trying to hack your account.

Can cookies be deleted?

Yes, and not just delete, also block, in general or in particular for a specific domain.

To delete cookies from a website you must go to your browser settings and there you can search for those associated with the domain in question and proceed to delete them.

More information about cookies

You can consult the regulations on cookies published by the Spanish Data Protection Agency in its "Guide on the use of cookies" and get more information about cookies on the Internet,

If you want to have more control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons in your browser, known as "Do Not Track" tools, which will allow you to choose the cookies you want.

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